Friday, November 11, 2011

Day Three

Let me just begin by saying that Sehara is indeed sick.  She has strep throat.  Her pediatrician called this morning and let Tim know.  He looks at me and tells me.   I jumped out of the bed and am all like: "oh crap, she's at school!! She's going to get everyone sick!! I have to go get her."  Imagine me all dramatic like, running around the room throwing clothes on, grabbing the keys, kissing my baby and husband and dashing down the stairs.  Third time I have left my baby.  Have we noticed that Jenni hasn't left her baby to do something fun or hang out?  I let Grandmama know what was happening and rushed to the school.  Where I then proceeded to wait about 30 minutes for them to get her.  She was in music class and testing is going on so they can't do an over-com announcement (?).  Her ped. called in the medicine and we picked it up at Kroger.  I do love Kroger.

My neck hurts.  It's like, stiff.  What's up with that?
shooooooooooo. I meant to post this 5 hours ago. 

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