Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Fun Random One Liners part 1
I like that whenever I'm packing a few extra pounds, people always say to me, "You're so confident!". Which, I am...
I am so conceited. I know I'm pretty, or, cute. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I'm the Beholder, Hooker.
My name is Jenni, not Jenn-AY. Thank you, Forrest Gump.
Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I threw a paper ball at the person standing at pulpit. WHAT WOULD HE DO?
There are times that I don't really have one clear thought pattern. During those times I like to go on Pinterest and "like" whatever I like. Then, I go back and look at them...you should try it. Insight...
Not only do I think I'm hilarious, I kinda know it.
Actually, the more I read my stuff, the more I laugh!!
Facebook favorites:
I am so conceited. I know I'm pretty, or, cute. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I'm the Beholder, Hooker.
My name is Jenni, not Jenn-AY. Thank you, Forrest Gump.
Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I threw a paper ball at the person standing at pulpit. WHAT WOULD HE DO?
There are times that I don't really have one clear thought pattern. During those times I like to go on Pinterest and "like" whatever I like. Then, I go back and look at them...you should try it. Insight...
Not only do I think I'm hilarious, I kinda know it.
Actually, the more I read my stuff, the more I laugh!!
Facebook favorites:
No, not creepy at all when you wake at negative 4 a.m. and find your baby staring at you with a huge smile. How am I coherent enough to write this?
We call him Wilbur.
Carson is really struggling to go back to sleep. I think he needs my help! I think he needs for me to lay down with him and shut my eyes, too!!
I don't know why Tim acts surprised everytime he catches me picking my nose... I don't say anything to him.
Carson doesn't like his toes to be popped. Who doesn't like having their toes popped?! This is crazy to me. Come to think of it, Sehara and Tim don't like it either..
Thursday, January 26, 2012
My Nephews Are Pretty Funny

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Ryder with a cupcake |
Kelly made some intriguing police officer goody bags and hand painted each of the kid's names on them, with Puffy paint. With our mom's help, we stuffed them the next morning. It was a lot to do!!

This post is really about some of the funny things my nephews did while I was there. At the moment, I can only remember a few.
This little Ryder, here, has hit the terrible two's!! He was in EVERYTHING. At one point he was trying to sneak some juice from the counter, something that he could of has without sneaking, so Kelly (before he had a chance to pick it up) gave him permission to drink it. It made the world of difference and HE GLOWED. Adorable.
Colton here, with Ruger, dumped a bottle of vinegar in poor Ruger's kennel the morning before I got there. Gave Kelly a set back in her plans.
After his party on Sat., he crashed on the couch. His head was towards the arm/end of the couch and I laid Carson down with his head towards Colton's feet.
I went to the back of the house to put something in Colton's room when I hear Carson start to cry. I thought, "ugh, can't he sleep for a few hours?"** and walked back to the living room to find Colton using Carson's face as a pillow. Now, this seems alarming, but it was Hilarious!
Carson doesn't like things touching his face when he sleeps, so he was whining pretty hard about it. Colton just patted ever-so-softly on his face to get his pillow to stop making noise. I mean, we are talking fall on the floor funny. I guess you had to be there.
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Ryder |
On Sunday morning, I laid Carson on the couch in front of me to play and poor Wilbur (Logan) gets so jealous! He is 1, so this is expected! He gets on the couch with me to cuddle, and then decides to
He does so well for a few moments, then decides to stand up and plop himself down on Carson's belly.
He just sits there nonchalantly.
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Logan, but you can call him Wilbur. |
I didn't get any pictures while I was there, but I wish I had.
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Colton with Ruger |
I thought it over for a minute, you know when something happens and you don't 'get it' right away. I turned to Kelly and asked her if Wilbur just said "State Farm". She looked at me and said she heard it too, but thought she was just hearing things like a crazy person.
Litlle Wilbur just clearly had stated the most random thing ever. It was just a little bit of Epic. Really.
Her house is nothing short of crazy, but it is beautiful chaos. You can't expect much else with 3 boys five and under.
**I, of course, take Carson with me everywhere I go, like a responsible parent... Lately, he has been having a case of some version of stranger danger. He cries when someone other than Daddy, Sister, Grandmama, Granddaddy, and Mommy hold him. Tim finally has a job, so he's gone most of the day, sister is in school, Grandmama has been so sick, so really, it's been granddaddy keeping an eye on him while I get Sehara to and from the bus stop and Me, only Me taking care of him. It gets exhausting, like being a single parent all over again. I was hoping for other people being able to hold him at Kelly's so I could help her out with things, but that didn't happen and I didn't take my carrier and kids are LOUD, so he couldn't get to sleep and stay that way. I was exhausted and in those moments I wanted time to myself... and time to feel productive.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Carson Rolls Over
This was his 7th time rolling over, and I barely got it!! He started out full on his belly. Brighten your screens though, this video is dark. Enjoy! :)
Saturday, January 14, 2012
I've Been Sick I Tell Ya, SICK.
And I am sick of being sick.
I have been laid up in bed for TWO days. Two of them. This is horrible. Started Friday, 3 a.m., with diarrhea. Yes, the lovely runs have come to get me again. That didn't go away for a few hours. My tailbone started getting more sore and sore until I just couldn't move anymore...except to the bathroom because there is no way this girl is pooping herself. It's bad enough that I pee myself more and more. We blame this on having a baby. "We" as in the angry me and the understanding me.
Turns out that I really don't feel good. I got up a few times during the day so I wouldn't feel isolated. I started to feel better that night. The diarrhea had subsided, my belly felt better, my tailbone wasn't too bad, so I cooked a little something something that reminds me of Papaleno's in Berea, and waited for Tim's arrival from work.
This morning, things took a turn for the worse. Diarrhea was full scale X's a kerbillion back, I literally couldn't move to get out of bed to do my business. Except, well, like I said, this girl ain't poopin herself so I was able to miraculously maneuver myself around Tim and Carson and to the bathroom. I mean, this is phenomenal ish! It's a masterpiece of poops. Every 2-3 minutes I was back in the bathroom having my diarrhea. I still, to this moment, wonder where all that came from. I literally lost 5 lbs in 2 hours. FIVE POUNDS, Y'ALL. Of course, I never complain when I have diarrhea because I would rather have diarrhea any day than be constipated. This is true.
I would like to add that on my list of things to never mix with each other, #2 is diarrhea with an extremely sore tailbone (and randomly, #3 is sweet pickles and dill pickles in a jar, together, gross, don't do it, ever!).
Back to my diarrhea... Well, I lost my appetite mostly, my will to drink anything, and I felt nauseous quite frequently. Thank God that Tim was off work today. I wouldn't have been able to be anything worthwhile if he didn't pick up the slack. I did manage to gulp down a HUGE bottle of water and a Diet Dr. Pepper, take some vitamins, and an iron pill (because you know those things stop you up) along with a few Tylenol (didn't do squat) and some ibuprofen. That worked wonders. I ate a little too, because hungry and nauseous don't mix well either. My mouth got so dry today, yesterday, last night. Whenever it was. It doesn't even matter. All the while I am trying to FIGURE OUT WHAT DAY IT IS. Seriously feels like a Sunday coming up today. But I think today is Saturday.
But, someone tell me why at 1 a.m., I'm starting to feel pretty good. Like I could go jog. But I won't do that, have you looked outside lately? I'm not into pain. Well, and my belly starts hurting when I think about doing that.
I think I have been poisoned. If I could imagine what food poisoning feels like, this would be it. Besides the tailbone, that's been coming a while.
I have been laid up in bed for TWO days. Two of them. This is horrible. Started Friday, 3 a.m., with diarrhea. Yes, the lovely runs have come to get me again. That didn't go away for a few hours. My tailbone started getting more sore and sore until I just couldn't move anymore...except to the bathroom because there is no way this girl is pooping herself. It's bad enough that I pee myself more and more. We blame this on having a baby. "We" as in the angry me and the understanding me.
Turns out that I really don't feel good. I got up a few times during the day so I wouldn't feel isolated. I started to feel better that night. The diarrhea had subsided, my belly felt better, my tailbone wasn't too bad, so I cooked a little something something that reminds me of Papaleno's in Berea, and waited for Tim's arrival from work.
This morning, things took a turn for the worse. Diarrhea was full scale X's a kerbillion back, I literally couldn't move to get out of bed to do my business. Except, well, like I said, this girl ain't poopin herself so I was able to miraculously maneuver myself around Tim and Carson and to the bathroom. I mean, this is phenomenal ish! It's a masterpiece of poops. Every 2-3 minutes I was back in the bathroom having my diarrhea. I still, to this moment, wonder where all that came from. I literally lost 5 lbs in 2 hours. FIVE POUNDS, Y'ALL. Of course, I never complain when I have diarrhea because I would rather have diarrhea any day than be constipated. This is true.
I would like to add that on my list of things to never mix with each other, #2 is diarrhea with an extremely sore tailbone (and randomly, #3 is sweet pickles and dill pickles in a jar, together, gross, don't do it, ever!).
Back to my diarrhea... Well, I lost my appetite mostly, my will to drink anything, and I felt nauseous quite frequently. Thank God that Tim was off work today. I wouldn't have been able to be anything worthwhile if he didn't pick up the slack. I did manage to gulp down a HUGE bottle of water and a Diet Dr. Pepper, take some vitamins, and an iron pill (because you know those things stop you up) along with a few Tylenol (didn't do squat) and some ibuprofen. That worked wonders. I ate a little too, because hungry and nauseous don't mix well either. My mouth got so dry today, yesterday, last night. Whenever it was. It doesn't even matter. All the while I am trying to FIGURE OUT WHAT DAY IT IS. Seriously feels like a Sunday coming up today. But I think today is Saturday.
But, someone tell me why at 1 a.m., I'm starting to feel pretty good. Like I could go jog. But I won't do that, have you looked outside lately? I'm not into pain. Well, and my belly starts hurting when I think about doing that.
I think I have been poisoned. If I could imagine what food poisoning feels like, this would be it. Besides the tailbone, that's been coming a while.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
My day of no sweets and how that makes me feel.
Shhh, do you hear that? SHHHHH.
That, my dears, is the sound of every piece of candy stashed in this room.
PICK ME!!!!!
PICK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PICK ME!!!!!
I have gone for about 24 hours with no sweets, and my tooth is achin'!
They are all calling out my name, oh the wondrous pieces of chocolate, so delicately wrapped in their foil, staring at me from across the room. They love me, and they want me to eat them.
But those haters are going to have to wait another 35 minutes, because I am NOT WEAK. I will NOT EAT YOU!!
Those Krispy Kreme Glazed Chocolate Pies, you know the ones. The ones I got for Tim's lunch.... they aren't even going to know what hit them. I mean, ate them.
I can feel every sweet treat around me, I know the location of them all!!!!!
This is going to be wonderful.
Imagine me, Jenni, with that crazy look, sitting in the middle of my floor with all me sweets around me. Maybe not even eating them. Just staring at them. Touching them.
Who am I kidding?
That, my dears, is the sound of every piece of candy stashed in this room.
PICK ME!!!!!
PICK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PICK ME!!!!!
I have gone for about 24 hours with no sweets, and my tooth is achin'!
They are all calling out my name, oh the wondrous pieces of chocolate, so delicately wrapped in their foil, staring at me from across the room. They love me, and they want me to eat them.
But those haters are going to have to wait another 35 minutes, because I am NOT WEAK. I will NOT EAT YOU!!
Those Krispy Kreme Glazed Chocolate Pies, you know the ones. The ones I got for Tim's lunch.... they aren't even going to know what hit them. I mean, ate them.
I can feel every sweet treat around me, I know the location of them all!!!!!
This is going to be wonderful.
Imagine me, Jenni, with that crazy look, sitting in the middle of my floor with all me sweets around me. Maybe not even eating them. Just staring at them. Touching them.
Who am I kidding?
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Stylish Wants
As far as I can tell, these are some really stylish pieces of apparel. You may find this boring, but it makes me feel all giddy. These items don't really go together, just the ones that I am MOST excited about possibly receiving for my birthday.
Shoes from Kohls
Similar style from Asos
Horse print dress from Asos, but featured on Fashion Police! I love Kourtney Kardashian's style!!
This horse print dress from Polyvore!
Brat and Suzie sweater (see more printed sweaters)
Hope you enjoy looking at these as much as I do! One thing that I love about fashion is that everyone has their own!
You can follow me @jenni_pugh on twitter if you have an account!
Shoes from Kohls
Similar style from Asos
Horse print dress from Asos, but featured on Fashion Police! I love Kourtney Kardashian's style!!
This horse print dress from Polyvore!
Brat and Suzie sweater (see more printed sweaters)
Hope you enjoy looking at these as much as I do! One thing that I love about fashion is that everyone has their own!
You can follow me @jenni_pugh on twitter if you have an account!
Friday, January 6, 2012
This Should Be Good
These are my resolutions for this year. I pray that I remember I made them and keep up with them.
For my blog:
-Blog Flashback Linking. Like, this one. It's my first post.
-Post recipes I have tried and LOVED. I have quite a few already
-Wordless Wednesday. I read Lil~Kid~Things and she does it. I love it.
-Post more often. We all say we will. I just hope I do.
For my personal self:
-Make my blog cooler. See above. What I write does in a way speak for who I am.
-Lose weight.
-Read more books or whatever. I am currently reading 5 different books. Finish them.
-Find less gassy foods. Anyone know of tasty ones? My husband says I stink.
-Give up sweets one day a week. I'm doing this mostly on Tuesdays. Except for three Tuesdays this year.
-Drink only water on another day of the week. I think on Saturdays, so that will start tomorrow.
I have to feel completely prepared for the Food/Drink so I don't get all anxious. Controlling that sort of intake is huge for a fat girl. Just saying. I could weigh 100 lbs and still be a fat girl. I'm so serious.
For my blog:
-Blog Flashback Linking. Like, this one. It's my first post.
-Post recipes I have tried and LOVED. I have quite a few already
-Wordless Wednesday. I read Lil~Kid~Things and she does it. I love it.
-Post more often. We all say we will. I just hope I do.
For my personal self:
-Make my blog cooler. See above. What I write does in a way speak for who I am.
-Lose weight.
-Read more books or whatever. I am currently reading 5 different books. Finish them.
-Find less gassy foods. Anyone know of tasty ones? My husband says I stink.
-Give up sweets one day a week. I'm doing this mostly on Tuesdays. Except for three Tuesdays this year.
-Drink only water on another day of the week. I think on Saturdays, so that will start tomorrow.
I have to feel completely prepared for the Food/Drink so I don't get all anxious. Controlling that sort of intake is huge for a fat girl. Just saying. I could weigh 100 lbs and still be a fat girl. I'm so serious.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
What to do, What to do!!
HEY YOU!! Yes, you! You know who you are! Do you enjoy reading my blog?! If so, why don't you follow it?! Says here that I have a scarce few (6) followers but I know you're reading it too. Either that or these people are clicking 5 times each everyday. Follow me!!!!!!
Ok, 'nuff of that junk. Seems we have a new year on our hands. I love new years. I have yet to make a resolution, I have been thinking of some but I just can't wrap my head to committing to anything right now. I used to boil at the idea of making resolutions and made goals instead. Who am I kidding? There are one and the same. I must nail down a definite few by Friday and post them.
I'm trying to figure out some ways to make my blog cooler. It's kind of boring if I do say so myself. I read some of my earlier posts and they are pretty funny. I should try linking them up! That would be a lovely thing to do this year. A blog flashback. Hmmmm, on my A-game. Oh, man!!
Look at my boy! This was his first time in a "chair". He is so cute. I have been thinking about my kids, and future children and all the blogs/articles I read about people really loving their children and thinking about having more. (Well, we will have more, that is, if we don't all die at the end of this year (j/k). I think we'll start trying this summer, so that's like in 6-8 months.) I can't help but to ask myself how can I love another baby like I do Sehara and Carson. The amount of love I feel for them is so much right now that I can't even imagine how another could squeeze in . Then I remember how I used to think women who wrote that very same thought were off their rocker. Of course you could love all your children as much as the first (and second). I just hold on to the thought that somehow, my heart will get a little bigger.
I need to get thinking on some ideas!! Goodnight!
Ok, 'nuff of that junk. Seems we have a new year on our hands. I love new years. I have yet to make a resolution, I have been thinking of some but I just can't wrap my head to committing to anything right now. I used to boil at the idea of making resolutions and made goals instead. Who am I kidding? There are one and the same. I must nail down a definite few by Friday and post them.
I'm trying to figure out some ways to make my blog cooler. It's kind of boring if I do say so myself. I read some of my earlier posts and they are pretty funny. I should try linking them up! That would be a lovely thing to do this year. A blog flashback. Hmmmm, on my A-game. Oh, man!!
Look at my boy! This was his first time in a "chair". He is so cute. I have been thinking about my kids, and future children and all the blogs/articles I read about people really loving their children and thinking about having more. (Well, we will have more, that is, if we don't all die at the end of this year (j/k). I think we'll start trying this summer, so that's like in 6-8 months.) I can't help but to ask myself how can I love another baby like I do Sehara and Carson. The amount of love I feel for them is so much right now that I can't even imagine how another could squeeze in . Then I remember how I used to think women who wrote that very same thought were off their rocker. Of course you could love all your children as much as the first (and second). I just hold on to the thought that somehow, my heart will get a little bigger.
I need to get thinking on some ideas!! Goodnight!
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