Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fun Random One Liners part 1

I like that whenever I'm packing a few extra pounds, people always say to me, "You're so confident!". Which, I am...

I am so conceited.  I know I'm pretty, or, cute.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I'm the Beholder, Hooker.

My name is Jenni, not Jenn-AY.  Thank you, Forrest Gump.

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I threw a paper ball at the person standing at pulpit. WHAT WOULD HE DO?

There are times that I don't really have one clear thought pattern.  During those times I like to go on Pinterest and "like" whatever I like.  Then, I go back and look at them...you should try it. Insight...

Not only do I think I'm hilarious, I kinda know it.
Actually, the more I read my stuff, the more I laugh!!


Facebook favorites:
No, not creepy at all when you wake at negative 4 a.m. and find your baby staring at you with a huge smile. How am I coherent enough to write this?
We call him Wilbur.
Carson is really struggling to go back to sleep. I think he needs my help! I think he needs for me to lay down with him and shut my eyes, too!!
I don't know why Tim acts surprised everytime he catches me picking my nose... I don't say anything to him.
Carson doesn't like his toes to be popped. Who doesn't like having their toes popped?! This is crazy to me. Come to think of it, Sehara and Tim don't like it either..

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