Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My day of no sweets and how that makes me feel.

Shhh, do you hear that? SHHHHH.
That, my dears, is the sound of every piece of candy stashed in this room.
PICK ME!!!!!
PICK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PICK ME!!!!!
I have gone for about 24 hours with no sweets, and my tooth is achin'!
They are all calling out my name, oh the wondrous pieces of chocolate, so delicately wrapped in their foil, staring at me from across the room.  They love me, and they want me to eat them.
But those haters are going to have to wait another 35 minutes, because I am NOT WEAK. I will NOT EAT YOU!!
Those Krispy Kreme Glazed Chocolate Pies, you know the ones.  The ones I got for Tim's lunch.... they aren't even going to know what hit them. I mean, ate them.
I can feel every sweet treat around me, I know the location of them all!!!!!
This is going to be wonderful.
Imagine me, Jenni, with that crazy look, sitting in the middle of my floor with all me sweets around me. Maybe not even eating them. Just staring at them. Touching them.

Who am I kidding?


@Bytchenhotelgrl said...

I just got this really funny visual of you sitting in the middle of your bedroom floor with chocolate smeared all over your face and hands and dripping down your neck and this completely glazed look in your eye, grinning maniacally while rocking back and forth... kinda like in those vampire movies. LOL!

You have ads now? Do they actually generate you any kind of money?

Jenni Pugh said...

That's the visual I was going for.
They don't, yet. People have to click on them and so forth. I'm not allowed to click them, at all.
I figure, if they do make me any money, it doesn't hurt ANYTHING. I've clicked on them before on other peoples blogs and they seem legit.

@Bytchenhotelgrl said...

I'll try to remember that and click them when I visit your blog, but you have to let me know what happens because I'm really curious.