Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Nephews Are Pretty Funny

I went to Kentucky this past weekend to spend some time with my sister, Kelly, and her family.  Well, and to help with a birthday party. I had a secret intent as well and that was to fulfill my need to organize things...namely, her cabinets.  I have been dying to get my hands on them. Most importantly, we had a birthday party to figure out.  I was hoping either to decorate or watch her kids but Carson didn't allow for me to do much else than to hold him. *sigh*
Ryder with a cupcake
Getting down to Kentucky was an adventure in of itself... It took 4 1/2 hours with the nasty roads. It was worth it. We got to her house at 3 ish in the morning and got to working on the goody bags.
Kelly made some intriguing police officer goody bags and hand painted each of the kid's names on them, with Puffy paint.  With our mom's help, we stuffed them the next morning. It was a lot to do!!
The party went well, though not as many people showed up as planned, probably due to the horrible weather...  I can't blame them, it was a nasty day.
 I took some of these photos off of facebook.  I think Wendy's page and Kelly's SIL, Buttons, page.  Er, thank you!! :)

This post is really about some of the funny things my nephews did while I was there.  At the moment, I can only remember a few.
This little Ryder, here, has hit the terrible two's!!  He was in EVERYTHING. At one point he was trying to sneak some juice from the counter, something that he could of has without sneaking, so Kelly (before he had a chance to pick it up) gave him permission to drink it.  It made the world of difference and HE GLOWED. Adorable.

 Colton here, with Ruger, dumped a bottle of vinegar in poor Ruger's kennel the morning before I got there.  Gave Kelly a set back in her plans.
After his party on Sat., he crashed on the couch. His head was towards the arm/end of the couch and I laid Carson down with his head towards Colton's feet. 
I went to the back of the house to put something in Colton's room when I hear Carson start to cry. I thought, "ugh, can't he sleep for a few hours?"** and walked back to the living room to find Colton using Carson's face as a pillow. Now, this seems alarming, but it was Hilarious! 
Carson doesn't like things touching his face when he sleeps, so he was whining pretty hard about it.  Colton just patted ever-so-softly on his face to get his pillow to stop making noise.  I mean, we are talking fall on the floor funny. I guess you had to be there.

On Sunday morning, I laid Carson on the couch in front of me to play and poor Wilbur (Logan) gets so jealous!  He is 1, so this is expected! He gets on the couch with me to cuddle, and then decides to prey on play with Carson. 
He does so well for a few moments, then decides to stand up and plop himself down on Carson's belly.
He just sits there nonchalantly.

Logan, but you can call him Wilbur.
Moment of panic.  Then something funny happens: nothing.  Carson does nothing besides look up into his cousin's eyes and smile. Ha!  But, I had to move him because he's kind of heavy (but so is Carson).

I didn't get any pictures while I was there, but I wish I had.

Colton with Ruger
Wilbur also made another funny. He doesn't talk, besides maybe a "momma" and "daddy" every now and again. Well, a few other words.  He just doesn't need to.  His brothers say everything for him. Well, Kelly was changing his diaper and a State Farm commercial came one.  You know the jingle. At the end of the commercial, State Farm advertised themselves with said jingle and then I hear a baby voice say "State Farm". 
I thought it over for a minute, you know when something happens and you don't 'get it' right away.  I turned to Kelly and asked her if Wilbur just said "State Farm".  She looked at me and said she heard it too, but thought she was just hearing things like a crazy person.
Litlle Wilbur just clearly had stated the most random thing ever.  It was just a little bit of Epic. Really.
Her house is nothing short of crazy, but it is beautiful chaos.  You can't expect much else with 3 boys five and under.
**I, of course, take Carson with me everywhere I go, like a responsible parent... Lately, he has been having a case of some version of stranger danger.  He cries when someone other than Daddy, Sister, Grandmama, Granddaddy, and Mommy hold him.  Tim finally has a job, so he's gone most of the day, sister is in school, Grandmama has been so sick, so really, it's been granddaddy keeping an eye on him while I get Sehara to and from the bus stop and Me, only Me taking care of him.  It gets exhausting, like being a single parent all over again. I was hoping for other people being able to hold him at Kelly's so I could help her out with things, but that didn't happen and I didn't take my carrier and kids are LOUD, so he couldn't get to sleep and stay that way.  I was exhausted and in those moments I wanted time to myself... and time to feel productive.

1 comment:

Interestedtips said...

i love ur post dear and stories, ur nephews are superb,

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