I am so bored! I really don't know what to write about. I was thinking about ranting on how people expect me to be the one to visit them all the time, but, I don't know. Maybe I will a little. I'm in Buckner right now. I don't even feel like announcing it because I know family members are going to jump down my throat and ask why I didn't go and see them and friends too. Ugh, I hate that! "You were down here and you didn't come see me", really?? Pretty sure I was down here and YOU didn't come see me (granted, if I told whomever I was coming down). Oh, and that goes for when we're home (in Ohio) too!! Can you believe that? "Why don't you come over anymore?" blah blah. Um, maybe because I'm 8 months pregnant and I don't feel like doing anything, much less go to your stinky house!!
33 Weeks! |
Yup, so here I am enjoying my "vacation", sitting in my parent's living room watching E! news and texting back and forth with my brother. He's going to college this fall! Ohio Valley University. Sehara is playing outside on the fort by herself and my other brother is sitting on the other couch watching this girl stuff with me. AND this little boy is totally in my ribs right now, making it impossible for me to lean forward and OH I can't even bend over to pick something up without getting sucker punched! I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it though! I can't wait to meet him!
This picture was taken at my 33 Week mark! I can't believe my baby is 33 weeks young (and it doesn't even count)! It was at the church's VBS finale party! Look at my belly button. How cute. And that darling little girl with
crack cotton candy in her hand. I wonder if there is a substitute for cotton candy that doesn't involve sugar. This is the moment when someone says "Yeah, it's called an apple". <- I'd be one of THOSE people. I'm too fat to care right now. They only live once and I'm tired of being a dictator to her.
My linea nigra is starting to appear! That's the pregnant brown line thing. When I had it with Sehara it was completely zig-zagged and distorted because my skin tore right up with all those stretch marks. This time, it's a smooth and straight little line. Speaking of stretch marks, I have not gotten any new ones, yet! This makes Jenni oh so happy.
I think I am going to get back to washing all of my brother's clothes now!
I LOVE this picture!!!
Thanks girl!
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