Thursday, July 28, 2011

31 & 32 Week Baby Bump

Uh, so I know that I'm almost 33 weeks.  Yeah.
I took a "vacation" and went to my parent's house while Sehara was off to a week long Christian Camp.  It was so nice!  Tim got a chance to work with my Dad at one of his dream jobs: construction.  It snapped us out of our little depression.  But now we are back in Ohio and I can feel it creeping back.  Did we make the wrong choice?  I have this horrible feeling that we'll still live with his family when the baby comes.  It's called reality and it sucks.
So, I have a pregnancy symptom for you!!  My hips hurt.  Cool, huh?   They feel like they are splitting and they are sore.  It's just awkward and it makes me waddle.  I'm a penguin now.  Oh, and I haven't been able to see my vagina in so long that I'm starting to wonder if I still have one.  Luckily, Tim reminds me every now and again that it is still there.  I also am probably 2-3 weeks away from not being able to see my feet at all.
Baby boy is heads down, rump up!  Such a relief for me.  I was kind of worried about it (though, I'm not sure why).  He doesn't seem to be able to figure out whether he likes the canal better or my hip bone (putting more pressure on my hips).  He's heads down so I'll take it!
31 Weeks

32 Weeks 2 Days
I'm starting to get big, and fast.  Really fast!  Most of my underwear don't fit anymore and I just need MY clothes back.  I kept all of them from when I weighed 50 lbs more pre-pregnancy.  Now, I haven't gained that much during these 8 months but there's a better chance that they will fit me better than what I have.

1 comment:

@Bytchenhotelgrl said...

Penguin huh? Is it time to pull your pants up over your shoulders?