Wednesday, August 24, 2011

36 Weeks

Baby Shower cake
I had my baby shower on Saturday, the day I turned 36 billion weeks.  I wore a really pretty yellow dress, with some silver and pearly jewelry, courtesy of Aunt Dee.  It was farm themed and adorable!   Kate made the cake stuff and farm animal cake pops. I'll have to post a picture. Oh, and I got a ton of stuff!  We're overwhelmed with the amount we got, in a good way, of course.  Included in those items were TWO food processors.  One with a steamer.  We won't use them until this boy gets to be about 6 months or whatever is the recommended age for foods. 
36 Weeks

I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday.  I still have 60% of my cervix.  I guess that means that 40% has softened.  3 1/2 weeks to go!  I get an ultrasound this coming tuesday, only because I requested it. I was afraid to ask because I was afraid he would tell me no or that my insurance wouldn't cover it.  Yay!!

For my hips, which are getting worse and worse to the point of not being able to sleep in any position for more than an hour, I'm going to the chiropractor. The first day I popped sooo much and that night was excruciating!  So sore.  Today, I didn't pop as much but I am also not as sore.  Let us hope I don't get too sore!

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