Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Little Update

The first week in Fairborn has gone by smoothly. I have gotten upset about a few things, such as having to take a written drivers test on Ohio driving laws in order to change my license (I have not done this and don't plan on it for a while) and something else that I can't remember right now.  The theater prices are substantially higher than any other movie theater I have EVER been to and things like getting a cup of ice aren't as convenient as they once were. A lot of some problems I am having has everything to do with me not knowing the area yet and having lack of freedom because of that.  I can't even trust myself to drive to a gas station!  It will change.... I've asked Tim to let me drive some places, like to church by following his passenger directions, but that is a challenge because he forgets that I don't know where I am going and neglects to tell me the next turn. 
I love where we are staying and I love my new grandparents!  We are staying in their huge guest bedroom and Sehara has the room right across the hallway.  This place is so much better than where we were staying last.  We have complete freedom, but are encouraged to dive right into family time whenever possible.  Grandmama makes like every meal for us (!!!!) and LOVES to do it.  I have found it is easier to eat when I don't have the stress of cooking as well.  I think I may have gained a pound in this week.  Not bad considering the make-up my body has to do for my little baby boy and Tim is delighted that my appetite has increased.  We are in walking distance of my mother-in-law and new brothers, my new cousin Melanie and her little family, and her parents.  Sehara's bus stop is right in the middle of all of us so we usually walk to Melanie's house everyday after we get her off.  I have kept Melanie's 11 month old son, Gabriel, a few times this week so she can get some school work done.  He is a delight!! I love that boy so much.  I sometimes just keep him a little longer than she needs me to so I can get some more practice in.  Gabriel adores Tim, and Tim adores him right back (so does Sehara but she makes me nervous).

22 Weeks!!
So today, I was thinking that I hadn't yet taken my 21 week picture and thought maybe I would just take it really quickly and post it... then I thought, hold on, today I am 22 weeks!!!  How exciting.  This week has gone by so fast.  As you can see, I have that little baby bump.  Actually, depending on my clothes, I do sometimes just look like a chubby person, or one of those nasty hill-billy swollen belly-skinny-legs people.  I have gotten belly rubs already, and I don't mind (yet).  I do have my strategies when I start getting annoyed and I think if people don't pick up on them, I'll classify them as "stupid" and avoid them.  Family is different though!

Tim bought the movie "The Business of Being Born" from Amazon about a week ago.  We just wanted to see different aspects of birth so we can prepare ourselves for what WE want and how we want this baby to come into the world...if we can.  I understand things happen beyond our control and we'll prepare for those options as well (i.e., I've been reading articles from moms who had emergency C-sections, and how they could have prepared themselves if they could go back...what to take, how to rearrange your bedroom...) but what we want isn't so far off.  It's just what my body should be able to do and we'll see if it does.  Anyway, the movie was pretty good.  It was more of a movie advocating midwifery usage.  My only problem with it was the 5 or 6 curse words it had, which means that Sehara can't watch it (if she wanted to and I don't think she would).
I think this blog is long enough! There is still more I would like to write about, but the time will come for that soon enough. :)

1 comment:

@Bytchenhotelgrl said...

I miss you!!! I need your new address so that I can attempt the trip up to see you!!!