Saturday, January 12, 2013

Blessings Abundant

I have had a few pretty bad days. I had a huge anxiety attack yesterday. It's just been bad. Today I decided to make myself count my blessings instead of dwelling in my head about all the crap I shove down so I don't have to deal with it.

So, I put Madeline down on the floor on a blanket for the first time and played with her. Then Carson woke up and was pretty confused as to why she was on the floor but he still played, too.  Sehara was busy riding her bike. Today was rather warm...

I'm letting Carson kiss Madeline again. It's been rough teaching him to stay off her, but for her safety, it's important. I don't want my kids to fight with each other, I don't want them to have that kind of relationship. It's inevitably going to happen between some, I know, but I'm trying to prevent it now.

She's 7 weeks old tomorrow! She's as cute as a button too. She observes a lot and soaks it in. She doesn't like to be cold or uncomfortable and she'll let you know if she is. I like that... a little honesty goes a long way.

They took a mini nap together, although neither was aware of it. Carson was out like a light when I laid her next to him and she fussed a minute then calmed down. I even got a few minutes to nap. Seems to me that as soon as I doze, one wakes up.

I've got a lot to be thankful for. Look at my little family! We are nowhere near perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but we're awesome and that's great. I'm glad I'm in a better mindset today to realize this. I have more than I've ever had and I ought to be happy about it.


Anonymous said...

We love you!!!!!!

Life Scraps and Patches said...

very sweet post - you have such beautiful children