Monday, January 28, 2013

A Good Morning

I feel pretty good today. Like I told my mom, I think I stopped feeling sorry for myself this morning.

Or it could just be that I actually woke up, got a few things done, took Sehara to the bus stop and had fun with her on the way. Then I got back here and put the recycling out, fed Madeline, got Carson up and cleaned him up and then played with him, too. Like, I actually got on the floor and chased him. Tim woke up in a good mood as well and that helped. I helped Carson interact with Madeline gently and successfully. I even fed Carson breakfast (I usually pass him to Grandmama for that).

It's a complicated process to have all of our ducks in a row. I'm glad they lined up this morning.

1 comment:

Missy said...

Sounds like a wonderful, positive way to begin your day!