Monday, October 8, 2012

On The Things I've Neglected

I have failed miserably at remembering that I have allotted every Tuesday this year as a "no sweets day".  I would be 100% successful at my goal if I had only remembered each Tuesday.  I suppose Tuesday was a bad day to do it and I guess if I started now I would be able to get in 40 days plus of no sweets. It's hard though...because I included artificially sweetened things too, like Diet Coke, but then sweet tea has sugar and orange juice and this list goes on! So, basically, all I can drink is water and while I like water, it's boring. I need a little pizazz to my cup!

I forgot to keep practicing to crochet, so now I have completely forgotten how to. I think I want to take a class, somewhere... I know the library here has a knitting class but that won't do. It looks complicated.
I think some ladies at church should start one up!

I bought some used picture frames this summer to make really cool DIY things with, and didn't do anything more than sand them down. They are in a box slowly decaying away. Actually,  I asked Tim to spray paint them a few months ago because I thought being pregnant, I'm not supposed to do it but I think I can.  Is that an old rule or still current? It's not his fault, I re-asked him again on Saturday if he could do it Sunday and he said he couldn't because his day was full.

I lost my mini clothes pins that I now need for a quiet bag because my children are very loud and active at church. I better find them!

I put off weaning Carson from the bottle to a sippy cup. I just can't do it. Really, I can and I will. I started today... I have only given him one bottle and I put a few away.  I have a few to wash before I can pack them up.  My plan is to put him on those silicone cups, the soft ones... and the sippy cups with straws. I hate the straws, but he likes them so whatever to that.

Lastly, I have seriously neglected Tim.  I haven't been giving him as much attention as he needs (and the same to him, lol). He also needs "alone time", something he has always gotten because I've made week long trips to Kentucky with the kids when he couldn't go.  He was able to basically do what he wanted without getting pulled in different directions. He won't get that nearly as often anymore so he'll have to deal.

Other than all this nonsense, I have gotten a lot done! Kuddos to me, and energy to me to get this other business taken care of.

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