Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Birthday, Tim!

I loves my Harpo, Lawd knows I do (The Color Purple).

My husband is 24 today.  That's young.  I mean, I'm 23 and that's young too, but I feel so much older and he probably does as well.  He says he feels ancient.  I can understand THAT!

This morning I was so tired I forgot his birthday.  In my defense, Carson woke up like every hour crying and whining like a little baby.  That's a joke, obviously.  Not the part about him waking up and whining though, that's true.  Usually he just whimpers till I whip out one of the girls and make her do all the work.  Not last night.  7 a.m. rolls around and Tim gets up to wake Sehara and won't go get me some water so I throw a hissy fit and turn on all the lights and went about my routine that no longer exists. :P Tim then proceeded to threaten me that I'd have to take Sehara to the bus stop.  That ain't happenin' homie.  And it didn't.  I made him get up and take her.  Had I remembered it was his birthday I wouldn't have asked him to get me water and then I wouldn't have gotten mad that he refused to walk downstairs and then I would have taken Sehara to her stop.  We'll blame this one on Carson, the poor innocent little baby.

He already got his Xbox.  Got that at his party.  He has three games (that he knows about).  YOU BETTER NOT READ THIS BLOG.  I have to save some things for Christmas.  He has been playing the stupid contraption quite a bit. I don't plan on doing anything terribly special for him. :)  I hope his day is wonderful.