Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Fat Girl want some cookies?

I worked out yesterday and today, and last week, twice.
Nothing like a fat girl running.

Those first two days, I went outside on the sidewalk to do my business. I walked 1/4 mile, then ran probably like 1/16th mile then walked the rest home. Both times. Fat girls start out slow.  Besides, I seriously felt like I broke my vagina and everything was going to fall out.
Yesterday I ellipticized for 14 minutes on crossramp 8, resistance 2.
Today I ellipticized for 16 minutes on crossramp 8, resistance 3. 

I probably won't go higher than resistance 3, ever. I don't want big meaty legs. I just want toned legs. I have done it before and I can do it again.

I found this workout on pinterest:
Week 1: Run one minute. Walk 90 seconds. Repeat eight times. Do three times a week.
Week 2: Run two minutes. Walk one minute. Repeat seven times. Do three times a week.
Week 3: Run three minutes. Walk one minute. Repeat six times. Do three times a week.
Week 4: Run five minutes. Walk two minutes. Repeat four times. Do three times a week.
Week 5: Run eight minutes. Walk two minutes. Repeat three times. Do three times a week.
Week 6: Run twelve minutes. Walk one minute. Repeat three times. Do three times a week.
Week 7: Run fifteen minutes. Walk one minute. Run fifteen minutes. Do three times a week.
Week 8: Run thirty

I'll most definitely be modifying that once I get to week 5.  There ain't no way this girl will run for 8 whole minutes. Hopefully my attitude will modify itself by then!

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