Thursday, October 6, 2011

Simply Ten Good Things

My friend Connie wrote about ten simply simple good things here and it's inspired me to be grateful and write about 10 things that I am thankful for. I'm not gonna make it all fancy.  Just write about what makes me feel gratitude.
1.)  My family.  Not just my husband and two wonderful children, but my mom and grandparents and everyone that helps us and supports us.

2.) My crazy friends that keep me crazy.  They know who they are.

3.) Grilled cheese sandwiches.

4.) Chili.  Never underestimate the power of chili. Seriously.

5.) Time away from the house.

6.) Doing something different; deviating from the plan.  Changing things up, moving furniture, driving on a random back-road (Tim driving, me looking at the trees). 

7.) Music that motivates me to move.

8.) Baby farts.

9.) Diet Dr. Pepper and the caffeine-free kind.

10.) Breastfeeding.  I was extremely worried that something would go wrong, but we're both doing great with it.  Yeah, it gets hard being the only one who can feed him but I wouldn't have it any other way.

1 comment:

Life Scraps and Patches said...

Love these, Jenni. Grilled cheese sandwiches - how could I have forgotten that? Glad the breastfeeding's going well.