Monday, August 26, 2013

Bad Days & Burdens

This past Wednesday was horrible for me, with a good thing mixed in. The only good thing that happened was Sehara starting 5th grade! She loves school so much and thrives in that atmosphere.
Wednesday was followed by the third night of Madeline waking up and crying every 30 minutes and having to nurse. Wednesday was the third day where I couldn't set her down without her crying and screaming for me.
It was also the day when the mustang broke. My only mode of transportation. Ugh. It wasn't a surprise though, cars like that aren't made to last forever and certain parts of the engine just need to be replaced. So, it's in the shop. 90% sure it's the alternator.
I'm a caged bird over here! I have plans, you know! I planned on going to get a diet coke that morning and dropping laminate off at my mother in law's house.

The tears flowed all day. Sometimes I feel like doing all the things I do to make sure we are living the right way, treating each other in a healthy manner, having faith and following the laws God set, treating our children like humans and spending so much time loving them, spending time with friend's and family, being a shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen, is all just for nothing.

Heck, I even learned to sew to be a little more sustainable.

Then I think about Ladie's class on Tuesday mornings. We are reading "Those Who Wait". I learned that the popular saying "God doesn't give us more than we can handle" isn't accurate. Because, sometimes I just can't handle some things.
In 1 Cor 10:13, God promised us we wouldn't be tempted beyond what we can endure because with Him we can find an escape. He never said we wouldn't have burdens. HE never tempts us.  As a matter of fact, He promised that we will have burdens (not because of Him) in life.

I would like to say that while that's all good and true, it's still difficult, and it is but I have to admit that I admire honesty and loyalty more than a lot of other qualities, and His word is honest and He is loyal. I'm able to deal with life a little better when I know that I, too, apply to His promise.

I have waited a little while to finish this post because I had to get help with the bible stuff.
It was the alternator. It's fixed now. Madeline has stopped crying all day! As a result of her three horrible nights, she has decided to sleep in her bed. Seriously. She likes to go to sleep in her bed now. Not the whole night, but half is a start.
That's where I will leave you.


Life Scraps and Patches said...

This is one of my favorites:
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jenni Pugh said...

Thanks, Connie! I need to remember that one.