Thursday, August 29, 2013

Easy Bow Tutorials {Links}

As promised, I'm writing about my favorite hair-bow tutorials. These are what got me started on making my own.
When I looked at these, I swear I didn't even know how to use a hot glue gun, that's how much of a beginner I was, so they are easy-peasy.

My first ever DIY bows were Simple Bow Hair Clips, minus the no-slip grip because that was too complicated. I made so many of these!


Perhaps the most important and helpful tutorial I've used for making my bows is this Tuxedo Hair Bow Tutorial! As many bows as I made for the simple hair clips above, I made three times as many of these. 
I got to where I was comfortable using bigger and smaller ribbon, fabric, and other materials. I'm not so good with still-picture instructions so I had to examine and get frustrated over it. In the end, it has turned out to be my most useful tutorial...for the hot glue gun. 


Another great, but not as simple tutorial, that I LOVE is the Sequin Headband. It takes a lot of precision and patience, but it pays off. I made the heart and I've had requests to make stars and other shapes. Plus, it has bling to it. Every little girl needs some bling!

My goal is to share my favorite felt bow tutorials next! 

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