Friday, November 30, 2012

Madeline Amelia

This little creature is just amazing. She is the sweetest thing I think I have created so far. She's so little and cuddly, but she can lay by herself for a long time. When we nap, she curls up close to me, as close as she can get and lays on her side with her fists on either side of her face and sleeps for hours.


She has pretty blue eyes that will probably turn brown, but I'm still holding out.
Her facial features are obviously girly and a little mousy. She has my lips and chin and I think she has Tim's eyebrows. I'm not sure what else is who's beyond that.

 She has very long fingers and the most beautiful, long nail-beds. She has long feet that remind me of a rabbit foot.

Her belly is getting big.

Size Reference
She looks like such a Madeline. I feel we did a great job naming her. I can't wait to get her the Madeline books.  In case you're wondering, it is Made'LINE', not 'Lynn'. Just like the french character. A simple correction and you won't forget.  Amelia is my mom's middle name! That makes her initials M.A.P. :)

Sleeping Soundly
Madeline is already over 6 pounds, well over her birth weight. She nurses like a champ, and I am so grateful for that. She barely fits in most newborn sized clothing and right now I'm not so sure that there is even one pair of socks on this earth that fit her skinny feet.

We are trying to get into a routine, almost unsuccessfully, but it will come. I'll be excited when it does!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Not Ready To Share

I'm not ready to share my birth story yet.  We have a healthy baby and I feel physically great and that's all that matters right now.

I did want to say that Tim and I are trying not to be disappointed in the lack of visitors we received at the hospital, or now even. We have tried so hard these past two years to immerse ourselves into church activities and kids parties and friend's social things and we have been busy bees doing it. It sucks to sit back and observe that we have put so much into family and friends and it wasn't given back.

We have gotten apologies and apologies for it, but it really doesn't make it better, although we do accept them.

If you can't celebrate a life, what can you do?

The people that showed up were the people we couldn't have done it without! So, thanks so much to you guys! :) We know who we can count on and put our love and time into now.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

38 Weeks

Here I am at 38 weeks and I know that I have one week left, maximum. Truth is, she can't stay in there any longer than that or we risk having a stillborn baby and I just can't have that.  It's been a hard week of reality.  It's been a really hard week to realize that my body has failed to do what it's naturally supposed to do.
It's just been hard.

Fortunately, our little girl is okay, she stopped growing a while ago and she's supposed to be pretty small when she comes out but she's doing good. I seriously hope her size doesn't affect breastfeeding, because I have big plans for that. My doctor and a friend confirmed to me that small size means she'll fly right on out and I won't say nary a negative word on that.

Actually, I am going to have a sit down with my doctor tomorrow about what to expect during labor and delivery on Sunday. Avoiding a C-section isn't my second goal (with getting this baby out safely being my main goal and number one priority). I don't even know if it will be a big deal to be honest, I could be working myself up for nothing here, but I would still like to know what he thinks.

Fortunately, we have a big family and it'll be even bigger come next Sunday.

38 Weeks, Baby #3
My sister-in-law's birthday is the following day, so she may just get a little muffin for a present, if labor takes as long as it did with Carson.

By the end of today, I have felt much better emotionally, tired physically, and I've had some pains here and there. That could be a good thing. My tailbone is all out of whack and the heartburn has been incredibly obnoxious. I basically have to lay around all day, eat too much, and drink like water is going out of style; that's my prescription.

Carson isn't making it easy, because he's 1 and everyday is a new adventure. He's been teething and it's driving me up a wall. Screaming, whining, drooling, biting, some fever and runny poo rules his life.  Oh, and get this: he gets hungry for real food. Shut the front door. He cried for 20 minutes one day last week before I realized that he wanted food (because he slept through lunch time and I had already forgotten about it). Won't make that mistake again.