This is supposed to be the final trek of pregnancy; the last ten weeks that fly by. I hope they do. These are also supposed to be the weeks that I start feeling like ultimate crap. <--- I'm looking forward to that. We have a membership to the YMCA and I'm using it as much as I can. I don't want those symptoms that come b/c pregnant women are so sedentary. Sehara loves the swimming part, too, and I guess I enjoy them. It's hard to go in the pool and not be able to dive or see how long I can hold my breath and chill at the bottom of the pool. I feel like I'll drown my baby if I do that.
30 Weeks |
My lovely bathing suit no longer fits me. Well, I am sure I can get it over my belly and my boobs, but the fit is so tight and the girls spill out of the side (not a pretty sight). Of course, this wouldn't be an issue if we had our own place, with our stuff in it. Since Tim still hasn't found a job, we're still at his grandparent's and our crap is still in storage. That's where all my fat-girl clothes reside. Ya know, the ones that I could fit into right now... That's also where all of my extra bathing suits are, the fat-girl ones. We had to improvise, because we can't afford Motherhood Maternity's beautiful suits and I refuse to wear the skirted ones that Wally World sells. REFUSE. That's why I'm in a nice stretchy microfiber shirt with my bikini bottoms. Good news is that the shirt will be great for post-baby workouts.
I have been having that pelvic bone pain for a bit now and decided it was time to consult with my OB/GYN about it. I was right about it being the symphysis, but what I didn't know is that it means I'm softening. I bet Tim wished that meant my temper, but nope. I'm happy that my body is preparing so well for delivery with these Braxton-Hicks and the softening. I love that word "softening", sounds so feminine. Since I have been working out my back pain has gone away. :) I'm so smart. I put my degree to use. I knew it! Now, I wish I could find the motivation to look for a chiropractor for my tail bone. My emotions are on that everlasting roller-coaster. I hit a low the other day, cussing everyone out around me (had to do some serious apologizing) and ended it by crying my eyes out trying to explain to Tim what it was I was feeling. Glad that's over...until next week.
Oh, and I have realized that I am around the most unorganized people, ever. My family (in KY) isn't OCD daily-planner material, but hot dang, at least we over share so much that we always know what's going down when. My anxiety (only on my "flare" days) doesn't allow me to be able to go with the flow, so I need to have a set plan in my head. Also, I don't appreciate going shopping with family just to be a babysitter. That's ish is for the birds and I won't be doing that anymore. I would rather stare at a wall for 24 hours than go with you just so you can have a babysitter. Here's an idea: stop having kids so you can stop worrying about who's going to watch them. That crap is lame. Stop. If you can't handle your child, then don't have anymore, for the sake of your family's sanity.
Nuff ranting. I really want some tea right now. I bought a bottle of Brisk yesterday and it was atrocious. Like, gag material. Ew. I might revisit that at the end if labor doesn't move along. I started washing all my baby clothes and it hit me like a tons of bricks! I'm having a baby!! Woot!! :) Peace out!