Saturday, September 29, 2012

Carson's 1st Year

We celebrated Carson's first birthday a week ago (more than a week ago, but around that time). Tim and I were so excited to throw a party for our boy and we feel so blessed about the turn-out. That little boy is such a joy in our lives!

Parenting isn't an easy task. I think for Carson, nurturing has been a lot easier and natural than with S, for various reasons. It's still a struggle for me to be a stay at home mommy every. single. day, but I know it's best for my kids and in the long run, for me as well.  If it isn't a challenge, it's probably not worth doing.

As for my boy... he's already running (fast, fast, waddle walk), has 13 teeth, and can say a few words while gibbering all day long.

Happy 1st Birthday, Carson! :)

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