Monday, June 4, 2012

Moving Train

The past two weeks have been dramatic. Some emotional stuff going on and then my past catching up with me.  Really, chasing me down, oh and then I got blasted via text messages.

Anyway, apparently, telling people someone's father is incarcerated is MUCH better than saying he's just a lazy bum deadbeat father.  Apparently.

Someone can explain that to me because I don't get it.  Just crawl back into whatever hole you got out of and leave me and my family alone.

I had to go through all my internet accounts and make them private. I'm not sure if anyone will even be able to read my blog for a while, but I will post anyway.

I was losing some faith in humanity until I was protected and encouraged by so many.  It goes to show that I have been doing good things, even though I feel like I'm failing with every step I take.

Being bitter is no fun and trying to forgive and move on is hard.  Trying to deal with all this, and a few more things that are not easy while watching a friend go crazy at me and trying to stop it is like trying to stop a moving train.

But I have all those people standing in front and around me, holding me up and it helps me more than they could ever know. So, thank you!

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