There is something I have been thinking about for a while and I need to get it off my mind.
There is a line between being strict or stern and being mean. I'm not sure how thick or fine it is, but there is no reason it should be crossed when you're dealing with an 8 year old (or around that age or my children, period). I cross it all the time with Sehara, but I am her mom and I am around her the most. There is no reason anyone else in this world should step over that line and snap at my child or say bad things about her or physically touch her in a negative way, and that includes pulling her arm.
I am so sick of it. I understand people can get frustrated with her pretty quickly, I get it. Like I said, I have been around her most and I really do understand. That still doesn't justify stepping over that line, no matter how frustrated you are. There is nothing wrong with Corrective Feedback and I urge people to give that to Sehara but anything else is inappropriate and will not be tolerated.
I see it most at Church, and it breaks my heart and pisses me off at the same time. Church should be a safe place...
I have my backbone again and I fully plan on saying how I feel about it if anyone chooses to act on their frustration. You really have been forewarned, korny as that sounds.