Sunday, February 5, 2012

Pin It

Quite frankly, I'm an amateur when it comes to graphic design, but if I don't try it, then I'll never get better. I have ambitions to get better, so I'm going to try it. My first one had too many flaws. The colors weren't appropriate and didn't allow the words to pop like they should. Unreadable, almost. This one is simple, yet, better.

Really, these are designed for Pinterest, to get my blog out there more.  I'm trying to get more experience with it, more hits on my page, so I can prove to myself that I can be successful allowing me to take the next step, because honestly, thinking about putting myself out there for a lot larger population is kind of scary.  You people love me, and tell me the truth in a way I can handle and correct it. 
Do you have a Pinterest account? It's so lovely. You just browse pins other people pin and repin them if you like it.  If you're on a website and you think there are things other people would enjoy, you pin it. Anything from photography to architecture to DIY crafts and recipes. Let me know if you want an invite, and leave your email address in a comment (or privately) and I'll send one.

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