Mountain Dew Throwback?! I don't understand!
A month ago or so, I picked up a Mountain Dew at Walmart (just because I fell into the "trap" and it was convenient) while I was checking out and I drank it as usual. BUT, it just so happens that during that night my friend Christina and I took way silly pictures and my Mountain Dew was part of one!
I was looking through the pics trying to weed out the ugly ones and I noticed that my Mountain Dew had Throwback on it...
If it was A Mountain Dew Throwback(and not just an advertisement) that's cool because I did not taste any difference. And the only reason I even care is because some amigos at work were saying that it tasted like poo. Which would not stop me from trying it anyway, but, yeah. This is a random thought so I don't really have to go all philosophical. <3